What is EyebrowTransplant Procedure?
Until a few years ago, the people used to have eyebrows surgery, whose eyebrows have been cut or burnt in the accident, but now the number of girls has increased rapidly, which wants to give their eyebrows a curvy look.
Many girls are stratified like eyebrows. In this case, it is curable to get rid of the feminine look. If 800 to 1000 hairs are used for this, then it costs of eyebrow transplant is between Rs 15 to 50 thousand rupees.
- The doctor measures design and sketches the future eyebrows.
- The required number of Follicular associations is calculated.
- The donor area is defined.
- The zone designated by the marker is treated with disinfected and anaesthetic equipment.
- The procedure is same as hair transplant; the recipient sites for the hairs need to be made with a microneedle with fine-gauge that will slither along the skin as the holes are being made to assure that the hair will be placed as flat as possible to give that natural and crisp look as it starts to grow.
To ensure maximum survival rate (97%), the graft is treated with the special formulation. According to the pre-drawn line, small punctures are created, in which the selected hair follicles are placed. During transplantation, the natural direction of hair growth and the angle of its inclination remains the same.
Special Considerations??
While doing eyebrow transplant, it is vital to track the natural direction of eyebrow hair because the angle of the hair transplanted plays an important role in the final look of the eyebrows.
There are four important elements for having a successful eyebrow transplant surgery, which are:
- In this grafts re not used rather single - single hair is harvested and then transplanted, grafts with multiple hairs are not chosen for this.
- The rotation of the hair while transplanting is very crucial to give that eyebrow’s natural curve.
The donor area in eyebrow transplant is not from eyebrow rather other parts of the body so that hairs have some different characteristics from the rest of your eyebrows in terms of appearance and the rate at which it will grow. As it grows it will take its own path and pattern from the existing eyebrow, though will never be able to replicate the same
In the first days of transplantation, the patient may feel a headache, itching and burning in the implantation area. The swelling of transplanted grafts is possible. Such side effects are minor and get over in five to seven days, it’s temporary.
During the first month, implant grafts accrue completely. After two months of operation, the process of hair growth has been restored.