If you are disheartened with the falling hair, no need to be worried. The problem of hair loss is generally seen more often in the monsoon than in winter and summer. Many people become unhappy with the breakdown and falling of hair. This reduces their confidence and the ability to talk to people. There are many Medicines, Shampoos, Tablets, and Oils available in the market to prevent hair loss, but to tell the truth, these are not effective measures as the products available in the market do not provide satisfactory results. More than 100 hair loss reasons have been detected so any one drug cannot cure all hair related problems. Hair Transplant in Bangalore is an outstanding treatment for all hair related problems. Let's know everything in detail. If you are struggling with this problem, then here is the good news for you. You can treat it by undergoing Hair Transplant treatment in Bangalore in a good and reputed clinic, where hair transplants are being done through the newfangled technology.
Actually, hair fall is a natural process but due to the change in dietary habits and drastic environmental changes, different product use, sleeping pattern it is increasing at a rapid rate.But the biggest reason for hair loss is DHT Hormones, about 90% of people’s hair gets damaged due to DHT and it is too late until it is detected.
DHT is a type of Hormone DiHydro Tosterone which is formed in our Testes (testicles). These DHT weaken our hair roots, dilapidate them and finally results in hair loss.
Hair Transplant is a process in which the hair follicles are removed from your back side of the head and side hair with help if microneedles and are transplanted in the portion in which there is no hair, gradually the hair comes in that part of the scalp and it will grow like a natural hair. Only a qualified surgeon can do this, so find a good hair transplant doctor in Bangalore. Hair Transplant is of 3 types FUT, FUE, Bio-Synthetic Hair Transplant.
Many of you must have come with this question that can the hair transplant cause hair fall? It does not have a straightforward answer, because when you undergo Hair Transplant surgery, hair is applied to frontal area because the back and side hairs are better than our frontal hair as there are no DHT Receptors so there is no difference due to the presence of DHT on this hair and they remain on your head for 15-20 years and if they are looked after, they will remain the same throughout life.
Cost of Hair Transplant in Bangalore depends on how many grafts are required as per the patient. Baldness is measured in Grader (1-7), Grade 1 means the lowest and Grade 7 means almost complete head or full moon. If you are in grade 1 then your hair transplant costs Rs. 12,000 - 18,000 and Grade 7 is for you, then cost Rs. 50,000 - 60,000 normally, now many Hair Transplant clinics in Bangalore are operational.
There are many clinics and doctors in the field of Hair transplant, but there are many reasons where Hair Doctors Team differs from the competitors and we surely have an edge over them.
Dr. Vivekanand Bhat
MBBS, MD - Skin & VD
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